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Dual License Open Source Products

cpputest-for-qpcpp: Unit Testing Support for CppUTest with the QP/C++ Framework

The cpputest-for-qpcpp project enables host based unit testing with CppUTest and the QP/C++ Real-Time Embedded Framework. Along with the supporting utilities, we think this is the easiest way to get started with unit testing of active objects within the QP environment.

Benefits of using this project include:

  • The project provides an example active object under test, demonstrating multiple test scenarios developers may encounter when unit testing a real world active object.
  • No surprises. The active object under test interacts with the actual qpcpp framework. This helps to ensure that the host-based unit testing behavior will match target behavior.
  • No surprises (again). There are no threads. Each test explicitly ‘gives’ CPU time to the active objects under test as needed by each test.
  • Accelerated timer related testing. Seconds of ‘time’ can be tested in microseconds.
  • Host based unit testing is easier to use with a continuous integration (CI) system. Run all the tests with every commit. Minimize surprises when it is time to generate a target release.

The project’s default GPL License makes it easy for potential users to inspect the code and try it out before making any decision. Commercial Product Line licenses are available upon request.

For more information on this project and details on how to register your Product Line, please check it out on GitHub:

cpputest-for-qpc: Unit Testing Support for CppUTest with the QP/C Framework

The cpputest-for-qpc project enables host based unit testing with CppUTest and the QP/C Real-Time Embedded Framework, a C language publish/subscribe active object framework. Along with the supporting utilities, we think this is the easiest way to get started with unit testing of active objects within the QP C based environment. See the above details for ‘cpputest-for-qpcpp’, which is the equivalent for the C++ version of QP.